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I am not a fan of prayer

Dear Seyid I have a problem:

I am not a fan of prayer and i love women a lot beyond the norm what is the solution for that?

In the name of God the most Merciful the most Compassionate 

Who ever sees the beauty of a thing by its pure innatelove, must embrace it and go through it, keep company with it day and night, if you see the beauty of prayer and its high value,its perfectness and what is behind it in secrets you will love and welcome it by its very meaning. Try to unveil the veil of ignorance  and inattention from your prayer, in order to see its beauty and its perfectness, if you do that .you will never neglect it again

According to you loving women love your wife only, if you are a single try to marry as soon as possible.

All Praise due to Allah        
Date: [2015/4/2]     Seen: [1936]

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