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Would you allow us to broadcast your activities and works in our channels and sites

Hello sir we are following your lectures and activities they are very useful for us Would you allow us to broadcast them in our channels and sites in order most of the people benefited from them, knowing that most us are in the northern of Iraq? ... View Answer


Hello sir there have been a lot of problems between my husband and my family these problems started form our dating and continue until the preparation of our wedding one week before it I have decided to break up because of that problems since my family were insisting to do so, now I regret it, surely I love him very much, please what I have to do? ... View Answer

Practice that can make Determination and will and fortitude strong

I need from you a practice that can make Determination and will and fortitude strong what is your advice four me? ... View Answer

I have seen a dream in a time which I was fasting recommended fast(Mustahab) in the month of shawal

Assalamu alykum our dear seyid I have seen a dream in a time which I was fasting recommended fast in the month of shawal (Mustahab) and hours before breakfast time and I see people going to pilgrimage but I decide to take breakfast on time but the breakfast was wine my son give it to me And in my inner I know I that it is wine, by Panicked I shut out the taste remind in my mouth. What is the sine which I have made until I am dreaming like this beside I have performing night pray and day fasting and considerate recommended as compulsory? Praise due to Allah ... View Answer

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